Support for Changemakers and NFPs in the age of coronavirus
At times like these, not-for-profit and for-purpose organisations need more help than ever, as we all try and adapt our organisations to the demands of this environment, while at the same time ensuring we’re taking care of our workforce, AND most importantly ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our clients - many of whom will now be requiring additional levels of support and assistance.
RHoK would love to provide you with a list of resources and information to support you around this… but thankfully, we don’t have to!
Our amazing friends, and long-time supporters at OurCommunity and the Institute of Community Directors are continuing to bring together the latest, greatest resources and information to support your organisation through this pandemic - far better than we could. So we are proud to furiously point in their direction.
Get yourselves over to Save Our Sector for everything you need, and some tidbits you probably didn’t even know you needed. And sign up while you’re there so you can make sure you stay on top of this ever changing environment.