Agile For-Purpose: When NFPs get agile...
COVID has brought it’s challenges and limitations to RHoK - No hackathons being the biggest of those! - but the restrictions of the pandemic have, for many of us, opened new doors we weren’t brave enough to try until now.
And in that spirit, in early October, RHoK ran the first of a series of new workshops specifically focused on the Changemaker, and empowering for-purpose organisations with the expertise, tools and shenanigans of the technology and design sectors.
Bringing together some brilliant Agile expertise (in the form of agile coach, Allannah from Get Agile), and half a dozen passionate not-for-profit people from organisations large and small across Australia and beyond (even as far as the USA), it was an eye-opening couple of hours as we explored the methodologies, tools and practices of Agile.
For many for-purpose organisations, ‘agile’ has been one of those words that has been thrown around but not genuinely explained and unpacked - so to have first-hand experience take a bunch of agile-noobs through the practices and share how it’s been implemented in all sorts of organisations was immensely helpful to everyone involved, and the conversation that it started over the two hours demonstrated an enthusiasm to know more and explore with agile in the for-purpose space looks like.
This has also been a genuinely valuable opportunity for RHoK, as we recognise the needs of for-purpose organisations better, and seek to find ways to support them outside of the traditional hackthon. And in a happy synergy, we’re already seeing a future hackathon Changemaker or two popping up at these events - so we’re really looking forward to what their journey will bring to RHoK in the future!
We’ll be looking to definitely repeat this session next year, and bring along a whole range of different workshops and opportunities for changemakers and hackers alike in 2021. Stay tuned!