Who: Concierge
When: June 2015
Where: Brisbane
Concierge creates solutions for people needing health and medical support services in remote areas, in particular palliative care. The needs of Australians requiring palliative care, especially in remote areas, provided a unique situation to develop an open source geotagging search tool that any medical profession can adopt and specialize to their requirements. At the Brisbane Winter Hackathon in 2015 the technical team used databases and tagged them to respond to related searches. Then geotagged and linked the info to maps used as the interface to locate services quickly.
The other half of the team developed a user friendly guidance system that helps people navigate quickly, even in times of stress and high emotion. The result was a time line with flowing dialogues to help the user through the information finding process. The open source website works, but there is a bit of information to be added before it is ready for Palliative Care Queensland to assist its patients. The aim is that this concept can be adopted and used by all Australia's states.